Mildura Court, N8
Mildura Court is a block of 38 flats on Church Lane in the Hornsey district of the Haringey, where a plot for each tenant was developed as part of the new garden. The initiative was celebrated by the local councillor and cabinet member for housing for ‘bringing residents together and encouraging children to get involved…’ with the hope being that the garden will ‘develop food growing and gardening skills for tenants, help build community cohesion as well as improve and maintain the outdoor environment of the flats’ (Haringey Independent, 2012).
“The change of space has made it a more social space in the warmer months with the benches and table providing somewhere to gather and for firework festivities in teh autumn.” (Mildura Cout resident)
“One resident is clearly a very experienced gardener and has winter veg growing. It would be great if he could be encouraged to share his knowledge with other plotholders.” (Mildura Cout resident)

Infrastructure for Vacant Lot no.14:
A Seating edge
B Seating edge
C Planter with seating
D Planter
E Pic-nic table and seating
F Bulk bags (x32)
2012 – ongoing - location:
Church Lane, Haringey N8 7NS - land ownership:
Homes for Haringey
- size:
- number of plots:
- plot size:
- partnership:
what if: projects Ltd, Groundwork London, Homes for Haringey
- funding:
Big Lottery, Homes for Haringey
- part of :